DST-52 Stealth GPS Tracker
DST-52 is a compact, portable and durable GPS tracking and communications system which
provides fast and reliable recovery of your car when it's stolen. Our stealth tracker
makes this a reality with affordable on-demand tracking from any mobile or PC
using web-based software. This tiny device can be easily tucked
away inside the vehicle being tracked so no one knows it's there.
DST-52 sends the location messages according to the pre-defined schedule
(for example once a day) so it is almost impossible to be found. No external
wiring and “Stealth” mode make DST-52 GPS tracker virtually undetectable to thieves
and scanning equipment. DST-52 unique timer design allows it to remain in deep-sleep
mode all or most of the time ensuring that users get the most out of each power charge.
DST-52 Stealth could be deployed with a prepaid SIM card with no monthly recurring charges.
System features: